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Promoting Wellbeing for Asylum Seekers

Wednesday 7th February 2024

St Augustine's Centre is a specialist charity dedicated to supporting people seeking asylum and refuge in Calderdale. They provide practical assistance to help individuals rebuild their lives with dignity and offer a variety of activities to enhance their happiness and sense of connection. The services include advice on immigration and asylum, one-to-one support with welfare, housing, health, and access to broader services.

  1. Creating active community assets

Active Threads: Creating Inclusive Communities

Tuesday 23rd January 2024

Active Calderdale envisions a community where everyone has the capability, motivation, and opportunity to lead an active lifestyle. Our mission is to work collaboratively with communities, making physical activity an integral part of daily life. To achieve this, we engage and support partners, embedding the promotion of physical activity into their initiatives.
  1. Creating active community assets
  2. St augustine's

Active Ark - Anna's Story

Tuesday 19th September 2023

Recently we featured local charity Noah's Ark and their collaboration with Active Calderdale, adding physical activity as another string to their bow to promote self-worth, resilience and freedom from negative coping strategies in both staff and clients. You can read the blog here.

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  2. Creating active community assets

Active Training with Active Rainbow

Wednesday 2nd August 2023

Active Calderdale has recently supported local organisation Active Rainbow, to deliver a series of workshops in the Lower Calder Valley. These workshops were developed to allow volunteers and staff from local community settings to be trained to deliver physical activities for their members. This training has helped to ensure that many community settings that usually involve sitting for long periods, can now be transformed into active sessions. 
  1. Creating active community assets

Fostering Community Connections through Physical Activity in Rastrick

Friday 30th June 2023

Over the last 12 months, Active Calderdale has been working hard to build a network of like-minded community organisations with a desire to incorporate physical activity into their offering.

  1. Creating active community assets

St Augustine's - Refuge & Recovery

Tuesday 27th June 2023

St Augustine’s Centre is an independent charity which has been operating for over 50 years in the Park Ward area of Halifax. It specialises in welcoming and supporting people seeking asylum and sanctuary in Calderdale.
  1. Creating active community assets