A family walk to school on a road closed to vehicles


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Opinion: #WalkToSchoolWeek at St. Joseph's Primary School

Friday 9th October 2020

At Active Calderdale, we have been working with schools to deliver new ways to build active travel into the lives of pupils, parents and staff. Through our School Streets program, we have found a way to reduce emissions around many of our schools, boost safety, and promote getting active.

  1. Creating active educational settings
  2. Creating active environments

Safer, Greener and More Active: Calderdale School Streets Trial

Monday 7th September 2020

School drop-off and pick-up times can be stressful, congested and potentially unsafe, as everyone rushes to find the ideal parking spot right outside the school gates. They are hotspots for damaging emissions, dangerous for children crossing the roads and noisy for the surrounding residents – that’s where School Streets comes in!

  1. Creating active educational settings
  2. Creating active environments

Setting the bar across the system – our Evaluation Workshops

Thursday 7th November 2019

In October 2019 the Active Calderdale team ran a number of educational workshops with individuals from different parts of the council to explore what the value is of physical activity in their service and how physical activity can be embedded into what they do. A variety of individuals from different services such as health and social care, social prescribers, and transport and planning attended the workshops.

  1. Creating active environments
  2. Creating active health & social care