Active Parks Pilot - Shroggs Park

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System change is a main focus for Active Calderdale when looking to develop our Active Parks strategy. This strategy will provide a framework to underpin the management of parks and green spaces and help engage other council services, organisations, and Friends of Groups.

Shroggs Park in Lee Mount, North Halifax, was selected as our pilot park for the Active Parks strategy. The plight of this fine Victorian park had been brought to the attention of Calderdale Council thanks to the efforts of the Friends of Shroggs Park Group and North Halifax Partnership. The Friends of Shroggs Park had long campaigned for more investment in the park and it provided the ideal opportunity to test and implement the strategy before expanding it to other parks across the region. For the strategy to work in Shroggs Park, this meant supporting the ongoing relationship between Calderdale Council (CMBC) and North Halifax Partnership (NHP), whilst strengthening connections with the Friends of Shroggs Park Group and other partners.    

How it started   

Residents felt there was a lack of interest in this park and the area due to minimal investment and improvements over the years. There was little collaboration between organisations & services trying to improve the park and little funding to carry out these improvements. Council departments did not engage with the community regarding improvements or maintenance and the relationship between residents and council services was perceived as negative. 

The Process  

Funding secured and allocated - £50,000 of the Active Calderdale budget was allocated to the park project.

An additional £103,000 of funding was secured from the Leveling Up Fund and Safer Streets 3 & 4.

Parks Partnership Group established - members include NHP (as facilitator), CMBC Green Spaces & Street Scene staff, Friends of Shroggs Park Group, Community Safety Officers, Newground Together (local housing provider), and CMBC Countryside & Woodlands service. The group is now well established and more than 12 meetings have taken place.

Safer Parks for Women & Girls Guidance adopted by the partnership group - research and guidance is used to inform interventions such as reduction of shrubbery based on local insight.

Accessibility audit completed by Accessibility Calderdale Disability Forum - The audit is now being used to prioritise improvements.

Partners committed to collaborating and working with the community -

I believe we have influenced a change in local authority officers who now listen to which community services should be delivered.

Chair - Friends of Shroggs Park Group

Relationships between organisations and the community have improved and continue to feel positive. This has been through developing open channels of communication and commitment to improvements in the area, along with a partnership approach to community engagement. Honest communication has allowed for compromise and agendas now feel more aligned.

Rachel Orton - Community Programmes Manager NHP

Park Improvement Plan established - An improvement plan was created by the Park Partnership Group which identified improvements to be made. These were guided by information gathered from community assets and community insight. 

Improvements delivered - The improvements were delivered based on priority and direction from community insight.

Community events developed & delivered - A number of community events have already been developed and delivered by NHP and the Friends of Group to make better use of the space including the Spooky Trail @ Shroggs Park, Shroggs Park Lantern Walk, orienteering and Park Bounce basketball sessions.

Outcomes and Future Developments

The Active Parks project within Shroggs Park in conjunction with other funding (Levelling Up, Safer Streets and NHP contribution) has now delivered the following:

  • New benches installed
  • New fencing to improve security
  • Bins replaced and larger stock was installed 
  • Improvements made to entrances to reduce ASB
  • Crown lift/tree reduction and overgrown shrubbery management 
  • Pavilion demolition
  • Monument refurb completed
  • Several NHP led community events within the park
  • Pond improvements - ongoing plans for long-term development and maintenance from volunteers 
  • Paths resurfaced and various repairs
  • Junior wardens appointed
  • Orienteering posts to be installed
  • A woodland walk incorporated with new access steps
  • New signage - ordered and to be installed
  • Active spots - to be installed

The funding available via Active Calderdale and attributed to Shroggs Park has now been allocated but the improvement plan and Parks Partnership Group will continue its vital role within the system. The improvement plan will continue to be updated with any insight or requests gathered from the community. As and when more funds become available, the group are in a position to consult the improvement plan to guide them on which improvements will make the park safer, more welcoming, accessible, attractive and sustainable.