Positive Impact Sports in Mixenden

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Positive Impact Sports (PIS) led by CEO Leah Greig, aims to make physical activity accessible to everyone, regardless of age, gender, or culture, in a fun and educational way. They also aim to reduce obesity and promote mental health awareness, ensuring that staff, students, and families in Mixenden, North Halifax are well-informed about healthy choices. Long-term the objectives are to increase participation in sports, support mental health, and provide enjoyable educational sessions for all.

Catering for the community

Currently, their sessions cater to women, older adults, people with disabilities, and those with long-term health conditions. PIS strive to be as inclusive as possible and remove barriers to physical activity by offering free sessions and providing opportunities to learn about nutrition and movement. By involving families, they also eliminate childcare obstacles. To encourage participation, they offer four weeks of free sessions, followed by a low cost of £2 per family to make it affordable for everyone.

Leah, who is also an Active Champion in Mixenden, is proud to be a role model in the community and has used her contacts to understand what the residents want from the activities on offer. In the long term, Leah believes this is the key to increasing uptake and mass participation.

"I have been able to mix with different people in the community to get a taste of what they want in the area and what they don’t want. For example, at GOOD FOOD GOOD MOOD! They don’t want theory-based as it's too intense, they prefer more hands-on cooking sessions as it's more engaging and they have learnt more from the active session."

Leah Greig - CEO of PIS & Active Champion

Delivering change

The staff who deliver the sessions are passionate about health and wellbeing. With their skillset and experience, the team aspire to drive forward change by being creative and understanding in the planning and running of their sessions.

This approach has also led to some participants being more active outside of the PIS sessions and joining groups in other areas of Calderdale such as Walking football and Women's football.

Sessions currently running in Mixeden:

Monday: Good Food Good Mood - 6:30 - 7:30pm At Ash Green primary Lower

Tuesday: Walking Football - 6-7pm At Ash Green Upper on the MUGGA

Wednesday: Women's Football - 6-7pm At Ash Green Upper on the MUGGA

Friday: Move It, Shake it, Lift it 6:30- 7:30pm At The Addy

Women's Football Feedback

Feedback gathered from the popular Women's Football session highlights the positive experiences gained by the women in attendance and centred around several key themes:

  • Fitness and Health: Many participants joined the football sessions to improve their fitness and stay active, especially those who work from home or lead sedentary lifestyles. The exercise benefits are substantial, and the sessions help them stay healthy.
  • Social Connections and Community: Participants mention that the football sessions are a great way to meet new people and form friendships, which is valuable for those who spend much of their time at home. The sense of camaraderie and team spirit makes the sessions enjoyable, with encouragement and support from teammates contributing to this atmosphere.
  • Coach's Influence: Becky, the coach, plays a significant role in motivating and encouraging the women. Her positive attitude, inclusiveness, and efforts to check in with participants make a notable difference in their experience. She is credited with creating a welcoming environment and inspiring the ladies to keep improving.
  • Fun and Enjoyment: The sessions are filled with laughter and fun, creating a relaxed atmosphere. The women enjoy playing football because it's engaging and doesn't feel like a chore. The combination of fun and exercise makes it easy for participants to stay motivated and return to the sessions.
  • No Pressure and Inclusivity: There's a strong sense of acceptance within the group, with participants noting that there's no pressure to perform at a high level. Regardless of age, shape, or skill level, everyone is encouraged to participate and improve at their own pace. This inclusivity fosters a sense of belonging and encourages participants to continue attending the sessions.

"I have only been once so far but it was the best hour of my week - the most exercise I'd done in ages, and so good to have a laugh with a really lovely group of women."

Lynn - Women's Football Group

"Only been twice so far and it’s something I really look forward to. The ladies in the group help make it what it is. The exercise is great but the women are fantastic."

Harri - Women's Football Group

"It has had a positive impact on my mental health and have enjoyed forming friendships, also helped physically feeling fitter and fresher."

Chelsey - Women's Football Group

"Only been once before but the session is exactly as it should be fun. It is a great group of people to be around making the hour fly by whilst getting me moving."

Lucy - Women's Football Group

Overall, the feedback suggests that these football sessions offer a great balance of fitness, social interaction, and enjoyment, creating a positive and supportive environment for women of all backgrounds and experience levels.

If you are interested in any of the sessions currently running in Mixenden, please contact PIS at Positiveimpactsports@hotmail.com or visit their website.