Successful September: Local Residents, Parks and Open Spaces, Sport and Communications

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September 2019 saw a range of organisations and institutions come together to help get our borough moving, here’s a roundup of local residents, parks and open spaces, and communications work:

Raising awareness of low-cost solutions to keep young children active

September saw the launch of a national campaign called Active Imaginations. The campaign was focused around providing parents or carers of children aged 2-4, to give them low to no cost ideas for keeping their young ones active physically and mentally. We supported the campaign on social media reaching 9,482 people.

We supported the Walk and Ride Festival to showcase our Parks and Open Spaces

Trundle in the Jungle, People's Park, Halifax

Our friends at the South Pennines Walk and Ride festival do a magnificent job every year of showcasing all of the incredible parks and open spaces in the region, by putting on a range of activities for all ages and abilities. This year we offered some funding support to better understand how these activities are attended by people from less active groups, the Trundle in the Jungle for example was a great opportunity for people with disabilities and their carers to get out and experience the People’s Park in Halifax, whilst the Anne Lister walk in Shibden Park was attended by many elderly and amateur walkers.

We worked with our borough’s sports clubs to help them deliver the best experience possible

Sports Development Evening, The Shay Stadium

When dealing with inactive people it is increasingly important to deliver a great experience. That’s why our quarterly club matters seminar focused on just that, with 16 clubs joining us for the evening at the Shay Stadium.

The workshop helped clubs understand what existing and potential members want from their club and deliver that great experience covering;

  • Why delivering a great experience for in your club is important
  • How to listen to and respond to the needs of the people in your club and potential members
  • How to consistently deliver a great club experience

Interested in joining us for our next club matters evening? Sign up to the mailing list.

We supported our local running groups to increase participation

Formal and informal running groups are springing up all over Calderdale. Some are well established, some very new.

We funded a course to help those leading the runs to deliver fun and safe sessions to multi-ability groups, as well as developing pathways for those that want to progress. It also focused on understanding and overcoming barriers to participating in running, and how to increase participation by those not traditionally attracted to running.

We helped King Cross Park RLFC to refurbish their clubhouse

September saw King Cross Park RLFC showcase their recently refurbished clubhouse to the world. Completed following a ‘CreatedBy’ capital grant, the upgrade and improvements provide social and support services to its members and the local community. The new facility has already seen the club jump from 5 teams to 11 and they hope to continue to grow even more. You can see the improvements in this video.

Active Calderdale is working with clubs and RLWC CreatedBy staff on more exciting projects for Calderdale. Watch this space.

The active campaign is developing with help from the community

This is Active Development Workshop

As part of the design of the Active Campaign we held a workshop with residents from across Calderdale who represent some of our key target audiences.

The workshop introduced the new concept for feedback, and also opened up the floor to suggestions on how we can ensure that the campaign is as effective as possible. This included an ideas session on the best types of activity to depict, the right people to include, the right locations to shoot at, and much more. One of the suggestions was to see if we could get Tom Hardy to do any voice over work – so aspirations are high for the campaign!

We’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who attended, and we hope to do your ideas justice when the campaign launches.

More Successful September:

Successful September: Health & Social Care, Workplaces & Voluntary Organisations