Walking Groups

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Looking to join a walking group?

Calderdale is a special part of Yorkshire with so much to explore. Few locations offer this blend of beauty and history in such a small place. Our location in Pennine Yorkshire gives us wonderful rivers, hills, valleys, moorland and footpaths, There’s no better way to immerse yourself and discover more about this beautiful area than on foot.

Scroll down this page to find a walking group and connect with others in your local area.

To submit a walking group or to make any amendments to information included on this page, please email activecalderdale@calderdale.gov.uk.

Please read: Active Calderdale have taken care to ensure that the information regarding walking groups included or linked to on this website is as accurate and up to date as possible but do not accept any liability for errors or omissions. Please note that all walks are undertaken at your own risk. Active Calderdale are not responsible for any accidents or injuries that may occur. It is advisable to contact the walking group organiser in advance of attending if you have any specific requirements or queries.

Local Area


HEARTBEAT Health Walks

HEARTBEAT has 8 trained Health Walk Leaders. Dependant on the walk we will either split in to 2 walks and have a Walk Leader at the front and rear of each group or have one group with Walk Leaders at the front and rear and mixed in the main body.

Family and friends are welcome. Suitable clothing and footwear should be worn. Any specific medication should be brought with you and advised to the Walk Leader before the start of the walk. There is no charge and we normally have lunch at the end of the walks.

NOTE: All new walkers have to register and declare their fitness to walk for insurance purposes. If you have any doubt please contact your doctor before coming on a walk.

Day / Time: Various.

Expected Difficulty Level: Easy - Moderate

Visit https://www.heartbeat.uk.com/walkshealth.htm for more information and to register.

Wellholme Children's Centre - Family Walks

Join in the fun on Family Walks which runs from Wellholme Park Children Centre on Friday mornings, meeting at 9.30 am outside the centre. Join the fantastic Parent Link Worker - Gemma and blow away those cobwebs by getting active whilst meeting new people. Whatever the weather, we are out walking! This walk is open to all ages, siblings, and other family members are also welcome.

Once the walk has finished, we offer a play and stay session with the centre and the opportunity to engage with others.

For further details please contact the centre on 01484 714768.

Day / Time: Walks are every Friday and start at 9.30am.

Expected Difficulty Level: Unknown

Visit Wellholme Children Centre's Facebook page for more information and walk updates.

Central Halifax

Mark Duffy Football School - Walking Football

The Walking Football programme aims to offer physical activity and an environment to connect and interact, while playing the beautiful game at a slower pace. Whether you've played the game before, or you're a complete beginner, all adults over 50 are welcome to join in the fun.

Winter sessions are currently being run at 3Gi Soccer, Shaw Lodge Mills, HX3 9ET (near The Shay). Summer sessions are based at West Vale Sports Ground, Stainland Road, West Vale.

Day / Time: Every Monday 11 AM - 12 Noon.

Expected Difficulty Level: Easy

Note: Please book before you turn up, so the organisers know to expect you.

Visit Mark Duffy Football School or call Mark on 07488 383417 for more information and to book a place.

North Halifax

Mixy Marchers

Mixy Marchers is a voluntary group based in Mixenden, set up to support ladies with their health and wellbeing in the community by offering something on their doorstep. We are a nice group of friendly ladies who just want to escape for an hour or two for a good chat, a nice walks, and a laugh - as well as being positive in supporting each other along the way.

The walks are FREE. You will be required to sign a disclaimer by the walk organiser.

Day / Time: Every Tuesday and Thursday at 6pm. Visit the Mixy Marchers Facebook page to find out more and to get involved.

Expected Difficulty Level: Easy - Moderate


Calder Valley Strollers Walking Football

Calder Valley Strollers WFC runs a weekly Sunday session in the Sports Hall at Todmorden Sports Centre, Ewood Lane.

The session is suitable for anyone, male (50+) or female (40+), emphasising enjoyment and fun, played in a friendly positive environment.

All you need is a pair of trainers and some loose-fitting clothing. It is recommended to bring a bottle of water.

Your first session is free and after that it's £5.

Day / Time: Sessions are on Sunday, 2pm - 3pm.

Expected Difficulty Level: Easy - Moderate

For more info contact Mark on 07848 099 572 or e-mail: walkingfootie@gmail.com

Todmorden Tornadoes Walking Netball

The Todmorden Tornadoes Walking Netball group are located at Ferney Lee Primary School.

There is a cost of £3 per person, per session.

Day / Time: Sessions are on Wednesday evenings, 6.30pm - 7.30pm.

Expected Difficulty Level: Easy - Moderate

Please call 07977007190 for more information.

Todmorden U3A Walking Group

Walking groups are open to members of Todmorden U3A. Full details are emailed to group members a couple of weeks before each walk.

Reasonable fitness and good mobility are pre-requisites for this walking group

Day / Time: Last Tuesday of each month (expect Dec) with various starting times from 10 onwards. Walks are usually finished by 2pm

Expected Difficulty Level: Moderate - Difficult

For more information, visit U3A Beacon website or email toddypg@gmail.com

Other Calderdale groups

Calderdale Community Coaching Trust Walking Football

Calderdale Community Coaching Trust has been running walking football sessions for more than 5 years with over 120 registered players taking part.

They currently run two morning sessions per week and from the 6th of February 2023, will also be running one evening session. The sessions are inclusive to all footballing abilities with refreshments available at each session.

Day / Time: Every Tuesday and Friday morning 10:30AM - 11:30AM. Tuesday at Forest Cottage, Ovenden and Friday at Halifax Indoor Football Centre (Formally 3Gi) , Shaw Lodge Mill.

From February 6th, every Monday night 6:30PM - 7:30PM at Halifax Indoor Football Centre (Formally 3Gi)

Expected Difficulty Level: Easy

Note: £3 per person, per session (first session free).

To book or for more information, please e-mail chris-mitchell@live.co.uk

CREW Guided Walks

For your physical and mental wellbeing, CREW are starting up their walking groups.

The walks are Calderdale wide and are generally around 4-5 miles. Surgery walks are often shorter, and are more gentle to suit all needs.

CREW understand that many of you do not feel safe away from your home at the moment or even walking in small groups, but others are ready and asking to start walking again.

When attending the CREW walks you will be asked to fill out a membership form and a disclaimer. You can request a paper copy or request a PDF to download and bring it with you already filled out.

Date / Time: Various. Visit the CREW website for details on upcoming walks.

Expected Difficulty Level: Various

For more information, please email crewpartners.hsg@gmail.com or call Sophie on 07982 728548 | Edwin on 07891 934037

Walks for Wellbeing - Healthy Minds Calderdale

Join Healthy Minds for a walk and a brew! Walking has a huge range of benefits for our physical and mental health. The Walks for Wellbeing walks are opportunities to get out, do some gentle exercise and chat to others in a relaxed environment.

Location of walks vary, and are expected to last approximately 2 hours.

Day / Time: First Wednesday of every month, 10.30am - 12.30pm.

Expected Difficulty Level: Easy

To book your place, email liz@healthymindscalderdale.co.uk or call/text 07541690145. You will need to give your name and contact number when booking onto a walk.

For more information on the Walks for Wellbeing, and other upcoming Healthy Minds activities, visit https://www.healthymindscalderdale.co.uk/whats-on.html

If you are the organiser of a walking group in Calderdale and would like your groups details to be included on this page, please contact activecalderdale@calderdale.gov.uk